Raise your hand if you have ever struggled with self confidence. Me, me, me!!! It’s all around us…people who struggle with their appearance.  Maybe it’s your weight.  Your hair.  Your smile.  Your skin. All of us, at some point in our lives, are
Written by Amy Kinser

Herb Garden

/  7:40 PM
A simple and not a big deal confession... 😉 I like to cook, but I don't love to cook. I would rather present the food than cook the food. I do love to use fresh herbs when I cook, though.  I love all
Written by Amy Kinser

Choosing Rest

/  6:33 PM
Hey friends! I am writing this while on vacation with my family.  This is one of those vacations that was needed and not just wanted.  Can anyone relate? Let me ask you this…do you ever have to make yourself rest even while you
Written by Amy Kinser
I love my mom.  I could stop there, but I won’t. My mother is strong.  She is resilient. She is determined.  She is beautiful.  She is a Survivor of many things! Today, I spent the day with her. I walked around her beautiful
Written by Amy Kinser
“I am proud to be an American Where at least I know I’m free And I won’t forget the men and women who died Who gave that right to me” “And I gladly stand up Next to you and defend her still today
Written by Amy Kinser
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