We've Moved!

/  11:35 AM
Hi Friends... I am blogging elsewhere now.  Please follow the link below to find my newest blog posts. Here's the link: https://amybkinser.com/my-blog Or, click the picture below to go directly to my new website: See ya there...
Written by Amy Kinser

Pops of Green

/  12:59 PM
Hey guys!  When the cold weather hits, I like to savor the slowness of the days. I like to snuggle up under warm fluffy blankets.  Wear my cozy house shoes.  Light a fire in the fireplace.  Burn candles.Cuddle with my babies.I also like
Written by Amy Kinser
Hey guys!  Happy New Year!There have been some really sweet friends and shops who I have collaborated with recently and I wanted to make sure that I shared them with you guys.Let me share just a few of the shops I am talking
Written by Amy Kinser
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